Financial Planning 2000: Foreword
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The American College, an independent, nonprofit, accredited institution founded in 1927, offers professional certification and graduate degree distance education to men and women seeking career growth in today’s sophisticated, competitive financial services marketplace.

The College was founded to provide a specialized education designed to elevate the standards and practices of the life insurance industry. Today that role is expanded to serve a broader financial services marketplace. While its primary purpose remains unchanged, the College has modified its curriculum and programs to match the dynamics of industry and business.

The College’s educational approach is nontraditional, with courses developed by a resident faculty at its Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, campus and taken by thousands of students across the nation and abroad. They study independently or in local classes and earn credits toward a designation or degree by passing final course examinations.

The American College offers four professional designations: the CLU (Chartered Life Underwriter), the ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant), the RHU (Registered Health Underwriter), and the REBC (Registered Employee Benefits Consultant). The College’s graduate-level courses lead to certificates of recognition as well as credit toward the College's graduate degrees: master of science in financial services and the master of science in management.


Accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

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