Financial Planning 2000: Foreword
Table of Contents

(by chapter)

Above the line deduction, 1
Accounting Principles Board (APB), 15
Accounts, ledger and nonledger, 15
Accrual, 15
Accrued liabilities, 15
Advance health care directive, 2
Advance medical directives, 2
Advanced search, 12
Agent for a natural person, 1
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 15
Annual exclusion, 2
Annuity, 14
Antifraud provisions, 9
Asset allocation, 8
Asset, admitted and nonadmitted, 15
Assets under management, 9
Association of Advanced Life Underwriters (AALU), 4
Asociation taxable as a corporation, 3
Associations and educational web sites, 12
ATM cards, 8
Bagley v. United States, 4
Balance sheet, 15
Beneficiaries, 2
Beyond Leverage: Split-dollar Funding of the GST-Exempt Trust, 4
Bookmarks, 12
Boolean search, 12
Break-even analysis, 15
Brody, 4
Built-in gains tax, 3
Business succession, 11
C corporation, 3
Cash-base accounting, 15
Cash-flow statement, 15
Category-based search engines, 12
Centralized management, 3
Changing order, 3
Charitable remainder trust (CRT), 2, 3, 14
Charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT), 14
Charitable gift annuities (CGAs), 14
Chasman, 4
Check-the-box regulations, 3
Childs v. Comm’r., 4
Chronically ill individual, 1
Circuit breakers, 8
Code Sec. 2035, 4
Code Sec. 2042, 4
Code Sec. 61, 4
Code Sec. 72, 4
Code Sec. 7702(f)(7), 4
Cohen v. Comm’r, 4
COLI, 10
Common-size analysis, 15
Company-owned life insurance (COLI), 3
Competition in financial services, 10
bank holding companies, 10
banking industry, 10
Barnett Bank, 10
credit unions, 10
insurance industry, 10
market share of assets, 10
mutual funds, 10
S&Ls, 10
Compliance, 13
Compliance-oriented culture, 13
Conduit, 8
Confidentiality, 13
Conservatism, 15
Consistency, 15
Constrained allocation, 8
Continuity of life, 3
Controlling and sole shareholder, 4
Controlling shareholder, 4
Corporate culture, 13
Cost, 15
Credit cards, 8
terms, 8
Cristofani v. Comm’r., 2
Crummey, 2
Current accounts payable, 15
Current assets, 15
Custom Asset Management Program (CAMP), 8
Debit cards, 8
Delayed retirement credit (DRE), 10
Dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs), 8
Domestic corporation, 3
Domestic international sales corporation (DISC) 3
Durable medical power of attorney, 2
Efficient frontier line, 8
Electing small business trust (ESBT), 3
Emergency fund, 8
Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), 3
Entrepreneurs, 11
Equity, 15
Equity indexed annuities, 6
annuitization, 6
asset match, 6
criminalization of donors, 6
giving away assets, 6
Equity split-dollar, 4
HIPAA changes, 7
Ethics, 13
Evolving Edge of the Split-dollar Envelope, 4
Excess-accumulations tax, 2
Excise tax, 14
Excise tax moratorium, 5
combination fraction, 5
15 percent excess, 5
Exclusion ratio, 14
Executive benefits, 11
Fairness, 13
Family-owned businesses, 11
Favorable PLR on Private Split-dollar Arrangement, 4
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 15
Financial adviser, role, 8
501(c)(3) organizations, 5
Foreign property limitation, 2
Form ADV-S, 9
Form ADV-T, 9
401(k) plans, 5
ACP testing, 5
ADP testing, 5
compensation with Code Sec. 415, 5
early participations, 5
eligibility expanded, 5
family aggregation, 5
highly compensated employees, 5
401(k) SIMPLE, 5
advantages, 5
disadvantages, 5
Free transferability of interest, 3
General Counsel Memorandum 32941, 4
General partners, 3
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 15
Gift splitting, 2
Gift Tax Consequences of Private Split Dollar, 4
Global diversification, 8
Going concern, 15
Golden Rule, 13
Goos v. Comm’r., 4
Greensberg, Norman, 4
Greenspan Commissions, 10
Grantor trusts, 1, 3
Hardship, 2
Health care proxy, 2
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 7
COBRA changes, 7
ERISA changes, 7
increased availability of coverage, 7
medical savings accounts, 7
portability, 7
Healy v. United States, 4
Howard Johnson v. Comm’r., 4
Illustrations, life insurance, 6
Income in respect of a decedent (IRD), 2, 3
Income statement, 15
Indexed search engine, 12
Insurance web sites, 12
Integrity, 13
International Association of Financial Planners Code of conduct, 13
Internet, 12
Corporation for Research and Educational Networking, 12
discussion groups, 12
Electronic Mail, 12
e-mail, 12
file transfer protocol, 12
Gopher, 12
home page, 12
American Society of CLU & ChFC, 12
American Institute of CPCU and Insurance Institute of America, 12
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, 12
CyberTalk, 12
EINET Galaxy for Insurance, 12
Infomanage-investment, 12
Insurance Companies & Resources on the Net, 12
Insurance News Network, 12
InsWeb, 12
LIFE: Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education, 12
LOMA, 12
Money Personal Finance Center, 12
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, 12
RISKWeb, 12
Society for Insurance Research, 12
The American College, 12
The Insurance Agent’s Online Network, 12
Internet Service Provider (ISP), 12
network computers, 12
newsgroups, 12
shell accounts, 12
surfing the web, 12
Telnet, 12
World Wide Web, 12
Invested assets, 15
Investment adviser, 9
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, 9
Investment Advisers Supervision Coordination Act (IASCA), 9
Investments, 8
Investment/financial services web sites, 12
IRC 7872 below-market interest rate loan issues, 4
Irrevocable annuity trust, 1
Irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT), 2
Janitor insurance, 3
Jensen, J., 4
Joint life policies, 1
Joint-life payout, 2
Key person coverage, 3
KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), 12
Kraus, 4
Large QDOTs, 2
Life insurance company as a stock company or a mutual company, 15
Life insurance policy illustrations, 6
Life insurance: taxation and products, 4
Limited liability, 3
Limited liability companies (LLCs), 3
Limited partners, 3
Living trust, 2
Long-term assets, 15
Long-term debt payable, 15
Ltr. Rul. 8003094, 4
Lumpkin v. Comm’r., 4
Lwry, Mark, 4
Majority Shareholder Estate Taxation and Split-Dollar Plans, 4
Marital trust, 2
Market timing, 8
Matching revenues and expenses, 15
Materiality, 15
Mean-variance optimization (MVO), 8
Medical savings accounts, 7
Mental Health Parity Act, 7
Minimum distribution, 2
Minor v. U.S., 4
Monetary unit, 15
Moody’s Average, 3
Mortality tables, 2
Mutual funds, 8
NAIC model regulation, illustrations, 6
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), 15
National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) 9
Nesbitt v. Comm’r., 4
Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act, 7
News and information web sites, 12
Nonprofit organizations, 5
Nonresident alien, 3
Objectivity, 13
Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Program (OASDI), 10
Optimization software, 8
Organ and tissue donations, 2
Organ donor card, 2
Paine, Lynn Sharpe, 13
Pass-through entity, 3
Pass-through taxation, 14
Pass-through treatment 3
Pay-as-you-go (PAYG), 10
Permissible shareholders, 3
PLR 7916029, 4
PLR 8310027, 4
PLR 8547006, 4
PLR 9037012, 4
PLR 9235020, 4
PLR 9309046, 4
PLR 9318007, 4
PLR 9331009, 4
PLR 9452004, 4
PLR 9511046, 4
PLR 961017, 4
PLR 9623024, 4
PLR 9636033, 4
PLR 9639053, 4
PLR 9651017, 4
PLR 9651030, 4
PLR 9709027, 4
Policy illustrations, 6
Portability, medical expense coverage, 7
Possessions corporation, 3
Premarital agreements, 3
Price indices, 10
cost-of-living index (COLI), 10
Fisher ideal index, 10
Private foundation, 14
Professionalism, 13
Property, 4
PS 38 rates, 4
PS 38 Table, 4
QTIP trust, 2
Qualified adoption expenses, 1
Qualified domestic trust (QDOT), 2
Qualified interest, 3
Qualified joint and survivor annuity (QJSA), 2
Qualified retirement plans, 2
Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary (QSSS), 3
Qualified Subchapter S trusts (QSSTs), 3
Qualified terminable interest property trust (QTIP trust), 3
Raby, 4
Rated insureds, 4
Ratio analysis, 15
Reallocation, 8
Relevancy, 15
Replacement questionnaire, 6
Retirement Equity Act (REA), 2
Retirement planning, 11
Rev. Rul. 64-328, 4
Rev. Rul. 66-110, 4
Rev. Rul. 76-274, 4
Rev. Rul. 78-420, 4
Rev. Rul. 79-50, 4
Rev. Rul. 79-129, 4
Rev. Rul. 81-198, 4
Rev. Rul. 82-145, 4
Reverse split-dollar (RSD), 4
Risk, 8
Risk based capital, 15
asset risk, 15
authorized control level event, 15
company action level, 15
company action level event, 15
comprehensive financial, 15
four major risks, 15
general business risk, 15
general business risk accounts, 15
insurance risk, 15
interest rate risk, 15
interest rate risk accounts, 15
initial base level, 15
mandatory control level, 15
mandatory control level event, 15
regulatory action level, 15
regulatory action level event, 15
Risk Based Capital for Life and Health Insurance Model Act, 15
total adjusted capital, 15
total risk based capital, 15
sensitivity test, 15
trend test, 15
Risk tolerance, 11
Rollover, 2
S corporations, 3, 14
Saks, 4
Salary reduction SEPs, 5
Same insured requirement, 1
Separate account, 15
Search engines, 12
SECs Release No. 1A-770, 9
SEC Release No. 1A-1601, 9
SEC Release No. 1A-1602, 9
Sec. 83, 4
Sec. 401(a), 3
Sec. 401(k) plans, 5
Sec. 403(b) annuity plans, 5
Sec. 501(c)(3), 3
Sec. 2042—From Soup to Nuts, 4
Sec. 7520, 2
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 9, 15
Security requirements for QDOTs, 2
Security, 9
Self-employed, 1
Sercl v. United States, 4
Shareholder, 4
Simmons, S., 4
adopting a plan, 5
advantages, 5
contributions, 5
disadvantages, 5
eligibility requirements, 5
eligible employers, 5
funding vehicles, 5
plan operations, 5
withdrawals, 5
Simple searches, 12
Single beneficiary trust, 1
Small QDOTs, 2
Social Security Advisory Council, 10
Some Advanced Uses of Life Insurance in Financial and Estate Planning, 4
Special allocations, 3
Split Dollar, the Bifurcated Peso: Split, Rip, or Tear?, 4
SSI, 10
Statute of limitations, 2
Statutory accounting principles (SAP), 15
Straight debt, 3
Street name, 8
Substantial economic effect, 3
Succession planning, 11
Super annual exclusion, 2
Survivorship (second-to-die), 4
TAM 7832012, 4
TAM 9604001, 4
Tax Planning with Life Insurance, 4
Taxable economic benefit, 4
Taxes payable, 15
Terminally ill individual, 1
Testamentary trusts, 3
The Federal Income Tax Law, 4
Tools & Techniques of Life Insurance Planning, 4
Tools and Techniques of Employee Benefit and Retirement Planning, 4
Trading collar, 8
Trend analysis, 15
Triple tax, 2
20 Years of Sunshine, Stone Crabs, and Estate Planning Strategies, 4
Unconstrained allocation, 8
Unified credit shelter trust (UCST), 2
U.S. Life Table 38, 4
Unitrust, 14
Uniformity, 15
Unrelated business taxable income (UBTI), 3
Unrelated business taxable income, 3
Viatical settlement provider, 1
Virtue ethics, 13
Voting trusts, 3
West, 4
Young et ux. et al. v. Comm’r., 4
YRT, 4
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