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T F 1. An estate consists of only the property a decedent leaves at death.
T F 2. There is no limit on the amount that can be transferred gift tax free to a qualified charity.
T F 3. The beneficiaries of an estate are liable for payment of any federal estate taxes due.
T F 4. Transfers of life insurance by the insured made within 3 years of death are included in the insured’s gross estate.
T F 5. In general, life insurance proceeds should be made payable to a decedent’s estate.
T F 6. An incident of ownership in life insurance is a right to an economic benefit of the policy.
T F 7. A direct-skip transfer applies to a gift made directly to a son or daughter.
T F 8. Survivorship life insurance is also called first-to-die insurance.
T F 9. Estate liquidity refers to the estate’s ability to raise cash in order to pay its liabilities.
T F 10. Equity of inheritance usually applies to situations involving a family business.
1-F, 2-T, 3-F, 4-T, 5-F, 6-T, 7-F, 8-F, 9-T, 10-T


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