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T F 1. Book value is the total value of all assets of a business as such assets are valued for accounting purposes.
T F 2. Book value is generally accepted by the IRS when the business is valued for tax purposes
T F 3. Goodwill can be attributed to reputation, name recognition, location, effective management, or some combination of the above.
T F 4. When determining the earnings figure of a business for calculating its value using the capitalization-of-earnings method, it is appropriate to increase the earnings if unusually large salaries were paid to shareholder-employees.
T F 5. It is appropriate to give substantial weight to earnings forecasts far into the future when using the discounted-future- earnings (DFE) method of valuation.
T F 6. Some type of capitalization method is recommended if a personal-service company is being valued.
T F 7. Discounts are appropriate if the business being valued is a minority interest or contemplating liquidation.
T F 8. Goodwill is a significant value component of a liquidating business.
T F 9. It is generally important to consider the growth potential when valuing preferred stock.
T F 10. Family buy-sell agreements must meet any one of the following requirements if the price provision is to be binding on the IRS for estate tax purposes:

• It must have a bona fide business purpose.

• It must not be a device to transfer property to heirs for less than full fair market value.

• It must be comparable to similar agreements entered into at arm's length.

1-F, 2-F, 3-T, 4-T, 5-F, 6-T, 7-T, 8-F, 9-F, 10-F

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