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In addition to providing qualified-plan expertise to clients, life insurance agents are often asked to advise their clients about nonqualified deferred-compensation plans. Nonqualified plans meet specific client objectives that cannot be filled by qualified retirement plans and, as such, represent an important planning tool for life insurance professionals. This course will look at the employer objectives that a nonqualified plan satisfies, the types of plans available, and the funding and design considerations with which the planner is faced. The course also explores the reasons life insurance is considered a popular funding vehicle for nonqualified plans.


Life insurance agents who complete this course will be eligible for continuing education credit in most states. This course is also eligible for credit under PACE, the joint continuing education program of The American College and the American Society of CLU & ChFC. In most cases continuing education credit will also be granted by other professional designation programs.

To determine the acceptability for continuing education credit as well as the number of credits that are granted, see the enclosed continuing education credit guide.


This course was prepared by Egnar F. Jensen, CLU, FLMI, director of Continuing Education Development. It is based on material written for HS 326, Planning for Retirement Needs, a course in the College's CLU/ChFC curriculum. The reading is taken from Planning for Retirement Needs, Bryn Mawr, Pa.: The American College, 1994. The course editor was Emily Sims and the production assistant was Jane R. Hassinger.

Copyright © 1995, The American College
All rights reserved
August 1997 edition

For each continuing education course The American College prepares a course guide that is designed to assist you in becoming thoroughly familiar with the material. The course guide can be used if you earn continuing education credit either by self-studying and taking the course examination or by attending a classroom presentation of the course material.

Self-Study with Examination

If you self-study, use the following parts of the course guide:

When you have completed the course guide, take the multiple-choice examination that is contained in the separate examination package. You must follow the examination rules precisely in order to receive continuing education credit.

Classroom Attendance

If you are attending a classroom presentation of the course material, use the following parts of the course guide:

When you have completed your review of the course guide, take the multiple-choice examination that is contained in the separate examination package. You must follow the examination rules precisely in order to receive continuing education credit.

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