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(Questions followed by [A] are answered in part 5.)

1. Why are social insurance programs necessary?

2. Describe the characteristics of social insurance programs.

3. What are the major groups that have less-than-complete coverage under social security?

4. a. How is the social security program financed?

b. What is the purpose of the social security trust funds?

5. What is the significance of quarters of coverage under social security?

6. As of this year, Susan McFadden, aged 37, had 28 quarters of coverage under social security. Twenty-four of these quarters were earned prior to the birth of her first child 11 years ago. Four quarters have been earned since she reentered the labor force one year ago. [A]

a. Is Susan fully insured? Explain.

b. Is Susan currently insured? Explain.

c. Is Susan disability insured? Explain.

7. Describe the retirement benefits available under social security.

8. What categories of persons are eligible for social security survivors’ benefits?

9. a. What is the definition of disability under social security?

b. What categories of persons may be eligible for disability benefits?

10. What benefit amount is paid if a recipient is eligible for dual benefits under social security?

11. Explain how earnings are indexed under social security.

12. a. Explain the relationship between a worker’s PIA and the benefits available for dependents and survivors.

b. What happens if the total benefits for a family exceed the maximum family benefit?

13. What is the nature of the special minimum PIA under OASDI?

14. Explain how a worker’s retirement benefits under OASDI will be affected if that person elects early retirement.

15. What is the nature of the OASDI delayed retirement benefit?

16. Describe the earnings test applicable to the OASDI program.

17. Describe the automatic cost-of-living adjustment provision under OASDI as it relates to benefit amounts.

18. Describe the provisions under OASDI that offset workers’ compensation and other public disability benefits.

19. Identify the categories of persons covered under medicare.

20. Describe how a benefit period is determined for the inpatient hospital services portion of medicare.

21. With respect to part A of medicare,

a. describe the types of benefits that are available

b. explain the extent to which deductibles and copayments are required

c. identify the major exclusions

22. With respect to part B of medicare,

a. describe the types of benefits that are available

b. explain the extent to which copayments are required

c. identify the major exclusions

23. What managed care options are available for medicare participants?

  1. Explain the extent to which social security benefits are taxed to recipients


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